Helping people in Education + The Corporate world to
THINK more Positively
PERFORM more Productively
& Discover the CHAMPION within!
🥇6x National Gymnast Champ
🎤 INSPIRED 600K people with PROGRAMS 🎤 Keynote Talks
💥 SUPER POWER Confidence Coach 💥
👇🏼 Get my FREE confidence boosters
Courtney Orange is a former 6 times national gymnastics champion, award winning entertainment agency owner now a Wellbeing Motivator who's aim is to help other people discover their potentials by understanding elements of how to achieve a BALANCED WELLBEING.
Courtney helps individuals, education audiences and organisations ENHANCE their CONFIDENCE, MINDSETS & PEOPLE SKILLS to:
✅ Be MORE productive
✅ Handle PRESSURISED situations better
✅ Improve their Work ⚖️ Life BALANCE
All through INCREDIBLY unique created and designed