Hi! I'm Tato The Forker and after years of Chess training, I am proud to say I'm the best Chess player in my household. Where do I see myself in 5 years? Well, take a look at my games and let me know what you think! My mom says I will be the most famous Chess "horse" in the world. She likes to think globally. I like to think 3 steps in L shape at a time.
You might think that my purpose in life is to change the rules of the game so that I can walk and run in a straight line, but you couldn't be further from the truth. I'm actually pretty good at this 3-step movement. The queen likes me! And I like to... Anyway, what I really want is to be the only black horse on the board at all times. With Tato, you don't need a second knight.
So, join my movement and spread the word. Tato is here to fork! www.tatotheforker.com/