I am Arjuna
From Rishikesh , india
I was born with an amazing dream.
I have always felt, that it would be possible one day for all human beings to live all together, sharing the same purpose in their existence, which is to serve the life , serve the divine itself, living in peace , joy and harmony on Mother Earth, following and understanding the laws of the divine nature.
To fulfil my dream I Founded Ekam Journey because I know that it could be a long way to go, for each individual to reconnect with its own power, to discover its life mission as well as to rebuild for each and everyone its own connection, at its own rhythm toward the Divine.
In fact, I do discovered that this dream of Peace, Love & Joy is inside the DNA of all of us.
To reach this goal, it is important to stop focusing systematically on the outside to live but to find and walk the path of inner truth
With Ekam it can be our living experience.
my Dear Friends, life should be FREEDOM, OPENNESS, PEACE , LOVE & JOY🙂