Weekly podcasts, monthly vids, and all with a helping of tech, videos games, film, TV, and comic book news thrown in.
Do you love commentaries on movies (bad and good!)? Essays on filmmaking? Video game reviews and playthroughs? Tough. We're doing that already... but we're happy to share, so please do the same and let everyone know...or just keep us your dirty little secret. That's cool too.
Monthly videos of game and film reviews, or rants about filmmaking in general.
Sometimes we analyze in depth, sometimes out of anger, but it's all in good fun so like what you like, and have a laugh or a rant with us if you've some time to spare!
VIDEO GUIDE - Videos are marked with logos for easy navigation: 'Podcast', 'Film Rants' are filmmaking related but irreverent, and 'Digging Deeper' for more extended analysis of a film or idea. Then 'Game Reviews'...which are what they say!