A confession: I don't play Lord of the Rings Online anymore. In my opinion, it strayed too far from it's original roots and goals, which was to create an authentic universe true to Tolkien's vision of Middle Earth. However, this isn't important.
I have a deep love of music as a studio musician and a music teacher. When I played this game, I fell in love with it's music as well.
Here, you'll find many types of music from the Lord of the Rings Online. I have every piece of music officially released by Turbine from the Shadows of Angmar soundtrack, the Mines of Moria soundtrack, and the 61 bonus tracks released from LotRO.com. I also have the music related to the game from Chance Thomas' website (hugesound.com).
However, you can get all of those pieces of music anywhere.
This channel is the only place (I know of) that is hosting music that was never officially released by Turbine. These files come straight from the source. They weren't recorded in-game, so there's no background noised to get in the way, and the quality is amazing.
I've titled these pieces according to where and when I believe they appear in the game. If you know that I've gotten one of these wrong, please tell me and I'll correct it.