in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
If the goal is being heard you have to say some worth hearing
If the goal is making money you have provide more value than you charge in price
If the goal is being productive you have to chase impact over activity
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People have to “respect your teeth”
No one plays with a lion without respecting their teeth
You set the standard by how you communicate, where you hang, values you stand on and more
When you don’t respect yourself enough to establish that others don’t either
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Don’t recommend the reading
Recommend the action that should come from the reading.
Use the reading and examples as validation.
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It’s gonna take something radical for it to change for it to start…
It’s gonna take consistent discipline to keep it
Get use to it… or stay a victim
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All leverage comes from supply & demand
↑ supply + ↑ demand = Little profit
↑ supply + ↓ demand = Broke
↓ supply + ↑ demand = Rich
↓ supply + ↓ demand = Pivot Out
Assess your opportunity
Understand your leverage…
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People pay more in price for things they want
People pay more frequently for what they need
What they want my change, but what they need is less likely to change
Learn how to make them want things they need so you can charge what you’re worth
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Those who don’t want it as bad as you won’t understand
Those who do aren’t paying attention unless you get in their way
Everything else is just noise…
Remain steadfast as you go into this new year…
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Better is good.
But different is best.
No one else can be you.
build a personal brand.
Built a team like no other.
Invest your money.
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Have you ever let the fear of judgment stop you from pursuing your dreams?
🤔 I certainly have. I vividly remember the time when I resigned from a promising job opportunity because of family reasons.
The thought of being judged by others for my decision consumed me with worry and fear.
I wondered what would happen if my plan failed and I couldn't find another job in time.
I worried about what others would say about me if I ever wanted to return to the company. But you know what?
None of those fears became a reality.
💪 I managed to support myself financially, do more for my family and friends, and even received a warm welcome when I revisited the facility.
This experience taught me a valuable lesson - the fear of judgment is often irrational and can hold us back from embracing our true potential and live the life best suited for us!
So, if you're feeling held back by the fear of judgment, remember that your dreams and ambitions matter more than the opinions of others. Take that leap of faith and pursue what sets your soul on fire. 🔥✨
Don't let judgment dim your light. Shine bright and show the world what you're capable of! 💫✨
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A space to separate what I do from who I am. I’ll help you figure out to do that too.