in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
To the Polish-speaking followers: I've had the pleasure of visiting @PodcastNatarczywych and spending an hour chatting to @ROJSON and @YT_Klepsydra. About... drumroll... ESPORTS. Is esports dying. Is working in esports fun or is it hard? All those things. Find it here:
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Hey guys, over the next weeks you can expect me to post another seven (if approved) USZAT interviews with famous CS players. And then I'll post some more that I took from DOTA 2. Please enjoy!
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Hello, dear community. I made promises last year that USZAT would return, but never managed to quite get to editing and such. I am in the middle of moving to a new apartment where I will have a beautiful office that's hopefully going to be perfect for recording things and editing video as well.
I have it in my plans to release footage that was never seen by anyone before including several DOTA and League of Legends players from my travels. Please bear with me. It shall get done!
I also plan to do educational content about esports, but I am not quite sure if this is the channel I should be doing it on, or if I should start another channel altogether.
Hang tight!
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Follow on Twitter at @mbCARMAC