The award-wining Brazilian documentary ELENA will open in U.S. theaters beginning on May 16, 2014.
Director: Petra Costa
Executive Producers: Tim Robbins & Fernando Meirelles (CITY OF GOD)
Elena, a young Brazilian woman, moves to New York with the same dream as her mother: to become a movie actress. In doing so, she leaves behind her childhood spent in hiding during the years of the military dictatorship. She also leaves Petra, her seven-year-old sister. But in New York, as she pursues her dreams, tragedy befalls Elena. Two decades later, Petra goes to New York in search of Elena. She only has a few clues: home movies, newspaper clippings, a diary and letters. ELENA is a film about the persistence of those memories, the irreversibility of that loss, and the impact the absence of her sister.
Elena viaja para Nova York com o mesmo sonho da mãe: ser atriz de cinema. Deixa para trás uma infância passada na clandestinidade dos anos de ditadura militar e deixa Petra, a irmã de sete anos.