Hello there!
I am ordinary girl from Poland.
I love calm and I like to listen to songs like POGO - Boy & Bear 💚
And my favorite calm songs are 4everbrony- Chant of truth and Chant of Allegiance 💚💚💚
Turquoise is my fav color 💚 And I love cotton candy...
My the most favorite songs is 'Abdomen - Born Gold' and 'Seeya - Artattack and Metajoker'.
I love the happy arrangement of notes in songs 💚
I don't like creating scary animations, although I sometimes use a not necessarily cheerful scene in a movie ,-,
I also really like anime Ore Monogatari and One Piece 💚
My big inspiration is nature and so much lovely people, who create amazing aniamations and other incredible things ♡♡♡
Social media:
IG: www.instagram.com/gepardzia_07/
Contact email:
[ENG] gepardzia.animations@gmail.com
[PL] natalia.gepardzia@onet.pl