The definition of Islam:
Peace/Submission to God/Allah
Belief in God, the Angels, the Holy Scriptures, the Messengers, Afterlife, and Fate.
Islam is the same religion that Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Job, Joseph, David, Solomon, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all) followed - they all called for one goal:
To believe in One God, and not to associate anyone or anything with him.
To learn more about Islam:
www.introductiontoislam .org
Jesus teached to whorship God and God only and not him, so that is what we muslims do. Follow the true jesus and not the one from the "bible" that is wroted 70~150 years after jesus died. Jesus the Son of Mary, The messias, The messenger of God!
You have: The old-testament, The New-testament and The Qur'an is the last testament. Follow the true path to paradise and do not whorship a creation of god (jesus)because that is paganism!!