This page is for art created by William Hewes. He is an artist that creates one-off/one-of-a-kind paintings.
Creator of Destruct Art:
What is destruct art? It is a form of art to hopefully make people think about what is going on today in the U.S.A. and around the world. There are wars, politicians banning books, telling people what they can and can not say, telling people what they must be. What's next? Are they going to ban artists because they don't like a certain type of artwork?
I created three different series within the Destruct Art Series, Destruct Tapestries, Destruct Paintings, and the Chiffonade Series.
Any artist that creates physical artwork can create Destruct Art if they are willing to damage their artwork in some manner that people can notice. Destruct art is not limited to just canvas paintings. It can be oil paint, paints, stone, wood, plaster, and so on. As long as it is something physical it can be called Destruct Art.