Hello everyone! My name is James!
This channel is geared towards Narcissistic Abuse Survivors, & a greater discussion on what Narcissistic Abuse is about. How to heal from it, & how Narcissism & Narcissistic Abuse plays a role in our society today. So you can learn a little bit about me. My name is James Smith. I was raised by a mother, I believe to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. My father died when I was very young, I believe due to the emotional stress my toxic mother put upon him. This led me through years of emotional abuse at the hands of my mother. She turned my only sibling against me. Smeared my name with all that would listen. Simply because I knew there was something wrong in my home origin. She filled my head with many untruths, & self doubts. As a result, I became severely codependent, & repeated the cycle of letting others abuse me. Quite simply because it's what I was trained to do, and it was all I knew. With awareness. We don't have to abused anymore!