I love gardening, houseplants, critters and permaculture! The best part is they all work together in perfect harmony.
Vermicomposting is where it begins for me, and my worm bin produces loads of nutrient rich castings that I can use for potting up cuttings, planting seeds or just amending already growing green buddies!
My favorite propagation stations are by far my aquariums. I just adore my dwarf shrimp and aquatic snails, what weird lil dudes! I got into aquariums because I wanted to learn and understand aquaculture on a small scale before I ever tried to implement it on a permaculture level. Little did I know how addictive it would become!
As for the terrariums I keep, I've got isopod and arthropod (springtails) colonies to help with those! They are so cute I can't stand it!
Stay awhile, check out some videos and leave a comment if there is something you'd be interested in seeing or hearing about!
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