in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Part 2 is Now Live! Scrittus was released from his cage and no longer sounds like the phone man from FNAF in this one as well. Check it out here —>
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The Stream of us (@Scrittus popped in to help) going over the first part of Creepsshows video/document is live! <— check it out here
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Hey everyone
Yesterday it came out that Omnia and Kai broke up, which according to Omnia led to a violent altercation where Kai hit them, stole their belongings, and gained access to Omnias YouTube and twitter, deleting them all and YouTube is telling Omnia they cannot recover it. With the evidence out and Kais response, I am very inclined to believe omnias story and I regret ever giving Kai any good faith
If you’re able to, this is Omnias CashApp, if you can help them in any way, it’s appreciated, and their new twitter is @/niaxmini
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Howdy Gamers
So I have a few video ideas lined up, but I’m curious if you guys have any suggestions you’d like to see in a video form. Doesn’t have to be new stuff, maybe just something you’d like to see a deep dive into. Let me know what you’ve got.
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New Video about the Man, The Myth, the Ledgend, Kai Weiss is now live. featuring @JUST-A-ROBOT-AKA-Jar and @Scrittus <----Check it out here
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Today’s video was a very important one, talking about CreepsMcPasta and the allegations he walked away from a year ago. Be sure to check it out if you have a chance.
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New video out today boys and girls! Talking about the community reaction to I am Not Starfire and how it devolved into some ~interesting~ arguments being made. Check it out here 👀
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I have no idea what I'm doing