In the 60s, Jack Lalanne, the godfather of fitness, showed people that they could get fit at home, then the fitness craze of the 1970s convinced the American public that they had to join a gym to get fit. The fact of the matter is that 80% of Americans who have a gym membership don't go to the gym! Typical turnover is about 30% per year, with almost one-third of members canceling each year. If you want to get in shape and stay their you need to control the COST, CONVENIENCE, and CONSISTENCY of your workouts and the best place to do that is the place where you have the most control,; at home. The purpose of this channel is to do just that, First we teach you how to build your own gym from the ground up, FOR CHEAP, and we give you the recommendations on inexpensive equipment reviewa ao you can furnish it. Then we give you videos on strength training to build muscle, and a playlist of HIIT(Tabata) cardio videos to burn fat.