I started adding Greek Music videos to YouTube in 2006 as my mother was Greek and I was trying to learn the Greek language. I found these videos very helpful in learning "my Mother's tongue."
In 2008 I got interested in lacto-fermentation and used my Greek grandmother's recipes for making Greek Yogurt and Greek Saurkraut. I assayed my fermented foods and found that my keifer had over 2.3-BILLION CFU (Colony Forming Units) per gram. My ferments yielded much higher probiotic assays and diversity of both bacteria and yeasts than anything you can buy in the local health food stores. Why buy expensive probiotic pills or supplements, when you can make highly nutritious probiotic foods at home?
In 2011 after my wife, Kane died, I got back into mycology (e.g., study of mushrooms) and spend my spring, summer, and early fall tramping and camping the Colorado mountains with a new lover (aka Joy) looking for morels, boletes, chants, and matsutake. Life is sweet.