The Hamblin Vision - empowering everyday spirituality
We are so happy that you are here and hope you will visit us often.
Our focus and activities concentrate on the three main strands of HT Hamblin’s teachings:
1. Meditation - going beyond thought to access the creative power, wisdom and love within us all.
2. The Power of Thought - harnessing the power of our minds to manifest all that is positive.
3. Empowering Everyday Spirituality - they are one and the same.
We offer a variety of inspirational workshops, live meditations, activities and courses. Henry Thomas Hamblin, 1873-1958, was a spiritual teacher and writer. His message and vision were straightforward, as he believed that the spiritual life and the practical life were inseparable.
The Hamblin Vision is run by the Hamblin Trust, a charity created in 1960. If you are in sympathy with our aims, please join as a member of our community. Find out more at: