Hello eveyone. I'm Nick/i DeFiNe HeRo/XxGCsFiN3STxX lol. I'm 16 years old and live in New York. Myspace.com/xxgcsfin3stxx. Ask for the facebook because i don't feel like looking for the link lol. I Have an X Box 360 and love to play; Rock Band 2, Gears of War 2, and other games. My Videos will probably be Rock Band 2, Gears of War 2, or Lyrics Videos, Request any songs i should do for lyrics videos. Don't Be afraid to talk to me, i write back to literally anyone. I'll accept any Friend Requests on here or Xbox Live (Gamertag: i DeFiNe HeRo) That's Pretty Much it for now...Thanxs For visiting my page xD.
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