in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
If you follow me on twitter you already know I'm an absolute Witcher freak but if you don't then well, I'm telling you now :)
With a small delay but here is my Yenralt tribute after season 2! #TheWitcher
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I don't have much time for editing lately but I'm trying my best! I will post something soon ;)
My question for yall: can you recommend me Dramione or Fremione fanfics? I enjoy reading some before sleep but I'm having a hard time finding them. I'm looking for something well writen (like Manacled ;)) and also canon compliant aka characters actions and motivations are matching their book portrayal. So no "Draco was an angel all along" etc. It can be a fic considered a classic, I haven't read many of those tbh.
Currently I'm reading 'Isolation' but I'm not yet very sucked in. I'm giving it time tho.
So I would love recommendations! I might end up editing fics that will influence me the most 🔥
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I am working on my #ViddersUnited stuff simultaneously and I just know I should focus on them in some order bc this is not very productive hah, so maybe yall let me know which of these should I post first?
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New Marauders(-ish) is up! Little tribute to the fun and beautiful friendship between James, Lily and Sirius 💗
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So it started! Here:
you can bid for a video of your choice from me (currently at $20)
or pledge a part in my YPIV for $2 or request a vidlet [short vid, around 1min] of your choice for $4.
All the money goes to chosen fundraiser for BLM movement, so it is really an amazing initiative!
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Hello! You have probably already noticed this big ViddersUnited movement but I wanted to state it more clearly on my channel -> there is a chance of winning a personalised vid from me. You choose what I vid. Fancast? Cool. Crossover? Sure. A ship you like? Can be done. Maybe a vid of a story you like? May happen! :)
All you have to do is join our discord server here: and take part in an auction. You bid in $ how much you'd pay for the vid but instead of paying me, you donate to a chosen #BlackLivesMatter fundraiser. You have time to bid between Monday, June 15th till June 24th.
If you don't feel like taking part in an auction, you can also claim a part in my "You Pick, I Vid". To "buy" a part in this you will be obligated to donate $2 to one of the BLM fundraisers (this is a cost of each part).
Besides my offers there is a lot to choose from, many many vidders take part in this initiative! Be sure to check this discord channel for further info:
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So I decided to go with an edit that was requested MANY MANY times in my comments sections. I truly always wanted to do at least one more GoT/Reign crossover and finally a storyline idea came to me!
I still have some things to do but vid should be up this weekend 💜
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Ugh I have some time on my hands and some amount of inspiration but I feel that I need to breathe outside of my current projects. Is there anything in particular you'd want me to vid? Crossover ideas? Stories ideas? <3
(here is a sneak peak from one of my projects in works ;))
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I still have some The Witcher projects in mind for now but this is a crossover idea that was torturing me since forever (yes, I love making daenerys crossovers, idc) and I may try to do something with these two when I'll have some more time ;)
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My name is Aleksandra, you can call me Aleks or Aleksa ;)
I hope you enjoy my vids.
If you want to talk, I'm always open for new people!
Just message me here or use something from links below :)