Alright, so I've stopped making videos. So feel free to unsubscribe if you want to. :/
People on Youtube need to stop randomly disliking videos, it's not cool, not funny, and it's just stupid to do so, people work very hard on their videos, they don't need to have random dislikes, it's not right. So people randomly disliking videos, stop, or go screw yourself. COPY THIS TO YOUR CHANNEL IF YOU AGREE!
I JUST REALISED SOMETHING!! Duncan and Harold were finally beginning to respect each other in "Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen" then Owen came and messed up possibly The Most EPIC Alliance in the history of ANYTHING!!! Duncan and Harold working together would have been EPIC and Owen RUINED IT!!!!
Wall Of Fame
Blue Series:
1. Harold- Rankerdiss1
2. Noah- BigBrownEyes12185
3. Courtney- brendanhawk11
1. Gwen- crasi4tunes
2. DJ- yoshiguy51
3. Bridgette - crushgurl1
Green Series:
1. Noah - The6th0ne
2. Gwen - crasi4tunes
3. Courtney - SarahKassman1994
1. Trent - GrayWolfOfTDI
2. Duncan - TheDisturbedTDI
3. Noah - The6th0ne
Camps I'm In:
plusle65 as - Duncan
yoshiguy51 as - Cody
chrisw756 as - Cody
Camps I've Lost:
platinumchimchar as - Noah (19th)
xxcrazytylerxx as - DJ (16th)
jonathonsmom1 as - Harold (12th)
vidstar001 as - Ezekiel (8th)
UserName8CP as - Mr.Coconut (3rd)
Camps I've Won:
None lol