When I began making videos in June of 2020, the Lord reminded me of a vision He gave me in 1993. I wrote and published a book about it called "Last Days Glory." In the vision it was midnight, and I saw the Glory of God coming to the earth.
When the Lord told me to start a YouTube channel He said, "The vision is near. When it comes to pass, my people will be crying when they should be rejoicing!" In Exodus, the people of God were delivered by the blood of the Lamb, but the first-born of Egypt were struck dead. Their cry at midnight was heard throughout the land.
A great cry is coming to America. It will be judgment and destruction for some, because they have been warned and warned and hardened their hearts even as Pharaoh, King of Egypt did in the time of Moses. However, it will be a time of great rejoicing and deliverance for others just as it was for the Israelites when they left Egypt! This is what my channel is all about! Welcome.