Aarogya mantra.. Complete Health Channel. This channel has lot of things like best Health, lifestyle, Cooking, Food, Diet etc. weightloss, Home remedies, Fitness, Hair care and much more. channel consisits of videos on All Aspects, fully informative & visualised. Specially focused on lifestyle diseases like over weight, obesity, heart attack, heart diseases, cholestrol, High Blood pressure, High BP, Diabetes, Cancers, Brain Stroke, Knee pains, depression, Anxiety etc. Focused on Womens healtth, Kids and Elders, Mens health. Parenting, Psychology, habits like smoking, alchol , drugs also covered. To see all videos, SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL and LIKE & SHARE My Videos.
Desclaimer: The information provided on this channel and its videosis for genral purposes only and should NOT be considered as proffessional advise. readers are subjected to use this information at their own risk