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Heyaa!! Welcome to the channel! Subscribe & Share if You'd l

4 days ago - 22 likes

Helloo every1!! It's only been a day since I posted another one, I can't Thank you all for supporting me! I hope you can enjoy all the videos as I enjoy it as much. Take care and have a good (morning/afternoon/evening!)

*Also here's a spoiler for the next vidšŸ¤*

5 months ago - 12 likes

It's been 6 months since I haven't posted.. and now it's 2024, sorry for not uploading or posting anything. I'm really busy with school and stuff. I did say on the last vid I will be taking a hiatus, but seeing comments makes me happy and reminds me of my channel.

I hope to post a video too right now, slowly and little by little I'm creating the scenes of a video.

Late Happy year and late merry Christmas/happy holidays

- *semiā€¢lee*

1 year ago - 7 likes

Thumbnail and Title for the next upcoming Video~ Not sure when I'll post this. But stay tuned!

1 year ago - 12 likes

Happy New Year Everyone šŸŽ‡šŸŽ†šŸŽ‡šŸŽ†!! I Hope you had your last moments with 2022! Let's Enjoy 2023 Together!!

*Note: I Apologize for not posting this ChristmasšŸŽ„, I was too busy with my family and friends and too lazy I guess.. Anyways I'll post this GCmm maybe later or tomorrow, Adding some final changes. I hope this 2023 we can grow bigger as family and friends.. *

* Also I hope you enjoyed your Christmas I'm sorry I couldn't post a special..*

1 year ago - 6 likes

Sooo... I'll post tomorrow... Since.. I'm still not done.. this is just gonna be 3-4 minute like that part 2.1...
Next week my exams are coming again.. school is keeping me busy.. but I can still post since I got average scores!! After my exams I'll post Friday!! Promise ill get my motivation back.

Next Saturday or Friday: i won't post, I'mma study.. maybe I'll post something like the full part of Parts 1, 2.1 & 2.2. So Yeah... Have a great day!

1 year ago - 10 likes

HeyHeyy everyone!! I'm really sorry about today's part 2...
Posting Part 2.1 of The Tutor's Future Husband Tomorrow it'll be 3-4 minutes only (Oct 8) I hadn't expect to be busy this week... BUT next week I have less homework and less things to-do so Part 2.2 comes next week (Friday/Saturday) probable the finale or not idk? Maybe a little longer like 7-8 minutes I hope...

Release dates for tutor's future husband...
**This will Not be a Series**
Part 1 - September 30, 2022
Part 2.1 - October 8, 2022
Part 2.2 - October 14 or 15 2022
Part 3? If I don't finish part 2.2

1 year ago - 20 likes

Yeah announcement~ I'm gonna be busy for the entire week today because of my work 'n school But I will post The Devil's Son's Angel~ Part 2 on Friday~.. I already started making the intro~ and the thumbnail remains the same except Part 2~ (I'm teh lazy to make a new 1 T^T) And (**Spoilerrr** -Tehheee )there's gonna be drama (Fighting:>) at the start.. of teh video.

1 year ago - 95 likes

I just noticed this... 1OOk!? And 1,900k subs!Tysm! This is such an achievement!! I can't believe it!!
I LOVE Y'ALL šŸ˜­šŸ’™ and for 1,900k we're so close to 2k! SUBSCRIBERS!!

1 year ago - 69 likes

Schedule Update: (Not that I had one T^T)

Hello Everyone!! I'll be posting A GCMM Every Friday/Saturday/Sunday Mostly Friday for now on, I'll post a community page if I haven't posted.. Since I have School Next Month I'll lessen the post on the community Tab or any spoilers, since my School Year is starting, But I will still post Gcmm's, since i want you all to be update!! On my videos on my channel!

New Video Had Been Posted today! (This Friday):
Check It Out!:

1 year ago - 5 likes

New GCMM "are we even meant to be together" Out Now! Enjoy! everyone!