بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم لبيك يا حسين علیہ السلام يا صاحب الز مان علیہ السلام ادركني یاعلی علیہ السلام مدد
Name: Syed Abbas Haider Zaidi, Syed M.Hussain Zaidi, Syed Zain Ali Zaidi
Father name: Syed Naeem Zaidi
Known as: Zaidi Brothers
DOB: 2001, 2004, 2010
Birth Sign: Sagittarius ,Taurus, Taurus
Syed Abbas Haider Zaidi - Known as Zaidi Brother & Currently as famous Noha & Manqabat Khuwanof Pakistan and live in Karachi.
Abbas Haider Zaidi read in 1st year of intermediate, and almost 4 years going to reciting Noha, Manqabat & Naat.
Syed M.Hussain Zaidi - Known as Zaidi Brother & Currently as famous Noha & Manqabat Khuwanof Pakistan and live in Karachi.
Syed Muhammad Hussain Zaidi read in class VIII, and almost 4 years going to reciting Noha, Manqabat & Naat.
Zain Ali Zaidi - Known as Zaidi Brother.
& Currently as little and famous Noha & Manqabat Khuwan of Pakistan and live in Karachi.
Zain Ali Zaidi read in class II, and almost 3 years going to reciting Noha, Manqabat &