Kosmik Riddim, a musical fusion born in Italy, emerged during a pivotal moment on tour in Europe. Founded by visionary John Polius and three talented Italian friends, the band was launched, beginning a journey to create soul-stirring music that bypasses borders and resonates with the spirit of self-realisation.
In the summer of 2010, Kosmik Riddim released their inaugural album, marking the commencement of a musical odyssey dedicated to connecting with the essence of listeners. The band's overarching mission revolves around the pursuit of not only 'Self-Realisation', but the group also aims to evoke profound emotions and touch the very core of anyone who listens to their music.
Driven by a desire for variation and unity, the group's composition reflects a rich tapestry of nationalities. Kosmik Riddim's premier tour took place in Italy, featuring a unique lineup comprising one Japanese artiste, three Italians and three talented St. Lucians.