I am a family man, an outdoorsman, a homesteader, and a pyro. I like the old ways of doing things and doing things myself, I like simple things, the simple life.
I have many interests, I tend to know a little about a lot, mostly I am focused on -
• Experiencing as much nature in all its infinite varieties as possible. (This includes wildlife watching, stargazing/ astronomy, finding scenic views, etc)
• Outdoor skills - hiking, hunting, tracking, fishing, trapping, identifying, foraging, and working with edible and medicinal plants.
• Gardening, utilizing what I grow.
• Processing food, cooking food, preserving food.
• Doing what I can with what I have, living more sustainably.
• Building and improving my relationships with family and friends.
• Honing my body physically to be more capable to do and more fully enjoy these things.
• Just getting out more and doing my best to share my knowledge and experiences with others.