-- For Arabic readers:
-- In background: Children- house in a Kibbutz.
-- Other links of interest:
-- A map of the holy land as explored by a British expedition in the late 19th century (neutral source):
-- Pictures of Palestine at that time:
-- The goal of this channel is to show the Israel that often is hidden from headlines. I my last year experience in youtube and facebook I noticed there is lack of knowledge and a lot of disinformation, both about Israel and Zionism, and also about the Jewish people and his history. Who are the Israelies? What is the history of the land? And what are the foundations of the Jewish people and his connection to the land.
The Jews, for some reasons, are always noticed, also when they (we) form only less than 1% of world population. Why is it so? Is there any secret? --- The story of our begining and purpose of existance, as told in the Torah and Prophets books, is unusual in humankind, and was not chosen by any of us. Carrying this mission was never easy through generations, but in no way we ever could change what was imposed on us by God (whether you believe in it or not, history is fact: Even when some Jews tried to assimilate, the final result was not in the nation's favor; No matter how hard other people tried to exterminate us- we are still here: Old and fresh at the same time).
Some admire us, some are frightened by this unusual course in history, and some hate us so bitterly that they would prefer to loose their life just in order to cause us pain and damage.
As individuals we are ordinary people: There are all kinds- good and bad, smart and stupids, hard workers and lazy, honest and criminals, just in every other human society. Judaism sees the world not as a perfect one, but as a creation of God, in which human have a role of correcting themselves and by this bring the world to perfection. This assignment can be performed only among people, and therefore the Tora was given to a whole nation and not to one individual only. It is a guide for social life and individual developement, as well as keeping safe the nature that God created. It is based on what people have to do in order to overcome their tendency to choose the harmful way: This tendency is the initial sin which is embedded in all humans as we humnas