Guitar covers and TABS on soundtracks from Maplestory!
I swore an oath to myself -- that I'm only allowed to upload covers that have been arranged and tabbed
by myself. I'm always striving for improvement, and this oath is the best way to show it to you all.
Anyone is free to download my tabs for personal use. If you want to share it with someone please
remember to give proper credit to the original composer and arranger to prevent any disclaimer issues.
If you want to know a little bit about me, I used to play Maplestory 24/7 and skip out dinners during
2x exp events. But I've quit Maple a while ago, so those sleep-deprived days of malnutrition are over.
Now instead, I just transcribe/arrange these songs to remind myself the fun times I had. Hopefully
my covers can remind you of the good times as well!
Thank you everyone for your continued support,