Welcome! Love Disabled Life is an advocacy platform that is about celebrating disability pride. Videos are about aspects of disabled life, our history and culture, and positive disability identity. Check out the Love Disabled Life Etsy Shop!
Hi! I’m Jody Yarborough, a writer and graphic designer living in the Bay Area of California. In addition to my creative endeavors, I am a disability advocate and volunteer. I was born with a rare neuromuscular condition called Congenital Trilaminar Myopathy. I do not define disability as limiting, or inspirational, or something to be “overcome.” Instead, I challenge cultural stereotypes about disability as being “less than,” “tragic,” “broken,” or “abnormal.” I believe disability is a natural part of human diversity, and I embrace every aspect of my life with gratitude and grace. I am proud to be disabled and think we need to be unapologetically proud demand full and equal access in all areas of society.