We want to see kids living for Jesus! Roger, Mary, & Nancy Ruth founded Parent Road Ministries to provide practical resources for parents to biblically disciple their children, live for Christ, & tell others about Jesus.
Nancy Ruth accepted Christ at an early age. She's served in children’s ministry since she was thirteen (1992), both on staff & as a volunteer, in 7 states & 4 denominations. She went to seminary to try to understand the hard things in Scripture so she could better explain them to children. She received a master of divinity (basic pastor’s degree) with biblical languages in 2007 & a master in apologetics (explaining & defending what Christians believe) in 2019. Nancy Ruth’s world fell apart when her sister died in 2003. She discovered that Jesus is the only firm foundation. Now Nancy writes family Bible studies, teaches on YouTube, runs Parent Road Ministries, & disciples kids at her church.
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