Фондация „Радост за нашите деца” е създадена във Варна, България през 2004г. Подкрепяме интеграцията на
деца и младежи с увреждания и специални образователни потребности.
radost.varna@abv.bg, fondaciaradost.org/, 052 731 482, 0878 700 635
* Център за социална рехабилитация и интеграция „Радост“
*Социално предприятие „Пекарна Радост“
”Joy for Our Children” Foundation was established in Varna, Bulgaria in 2004. We support children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs for their integration. In 2006 we started Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration "Radost" with provision of therapeutic sessions for children with special needs, conseling for children and their families. In 2018, we launched the social enterprise "Radost (Joy)" Bakery for young people with disabilities. With us, they work in protected working environment. By ordering "Radost" Bakery products - you support young people for independent life. Contact 0878 700 635