Electronic music is designed to transport you to another world. An escape from reality. My job is use the power of sound to allow the mind to glimpse this other world and make it a reality for but a moment.
I started making music back in 2005. This year (2015) marks ten years since I first began. I have taken a very long time to release anything new since the "Lucid" album, but this was largely due to taking the time to finish college and hone my skills. A new album is now in the works. I have come a long way since first starting to make music, but I never settle. I always strive to improve my skills even further... to bring you all the very best of my efforts. I will slowly be releasing new tracks that sound quite different from the "Lucid" album as they become available.
For those that have stuck around since the very beginning and any new fans, thank you for your unending patience and support. It will pay off. This I promise you.