Bekah. Vidder.
Birthday; October 2nd.
Skype; becky.sauce
I sweeten the sour to your sauce.
Fandoms; Pirates of the Caribbean, Xena Warrior Princess, Legend of the Seeker, BBC Merlin, Game of Thrones, Black Sails, Supernatural, True Blood, Nikita, In the Flesh, Once Upon A Time, Teen Wolf, Shameless, The Vampire Diaries, Finding Carter, BBC Sherlock, Da Vinci's Demons, Arrow, Misfits, Gossip Girl, Skins, New Girl, The Mortal Instruments, The Way He Looks, The Heat, Domino, Angels of Sex, Youtubers.
Any comments or questions? PM me. 'Cuz this chick would be more than happy to reply.
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