"Dadisa ka Kunba" is a heartwarming YouTube channel created by Mrs. Hansa Kanwar, a loving grandmother, along with her family, including her grandson Sarth Vikram Singh Shekhawat and granddaughters Kashish Shekhawat and little Devja Shekhawat. This channel offers an endearing glimpse into their family life, daily routines, city outings, and a special focus on devotional Bhajans.
With a strong emphasis on family values, "Dadisa ka Kunba" shares a collection of videos showcasing the joyous moments and cherished memories of this close-knit family. Viewers can join them on their adventures, discovering their city, and experiencing their day-to-day activities. The channel also offers a spiritual touch as Mrs. Hansa Kanwar and her friends express their devotion through soulful singing of devotional Bhajans in temples, capturing these heartfelt performances to share with their audience.