Classical Academic Press (CAP) is a classical education curriculum, media, and consulting company. Our mission is to produce and supply to today’s market the finest classical curricula and resources. Our motto, “Classical Subjects Creatively Taught,” describes the essence of all that we publish (Latin, Logic, Writing & Rhetoric, Grammar, Greek, Spanish, Poetry, Literature Guides, and more). We seek to produce classical curricula and media with a clear design and structure and incremental and systematic instruction, all with a touch of delight, creativity, and flair.
Our logo features the image of an aqueduct, which in Roman civilization provided water to towns, villages, and cities throughout the empire. We have chosen the aqueduct to symbolize our company’s goal of bridging the old and the new by reviving the tried and true with fresh imagery, technology, and accessibility, and by bringing the life-giving wisdom of the ancient world to the thirsty soul of our own modern culture.