in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hey guys can you guys do me a favor and show my friends some love he resently just got in a bad accident 💔 whatch his video to see what happand to him but Pleas sub to him
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Hey guys bad news my steam keeps crashing I had alot of plans just like the live so that means I can't go live rn I'm so sorry
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SPAWNING YEEPS PAYERS if you wanna maby meate me I'm playing tutch tag in my fan code Blue ice I'm making a gorilla tag forest map in romm 1 almost done with it
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Guys i migth not be home on sunday but il comme back on Monday and on mondey my steam is unbanned and il do a stream after schoolif i have time
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Peaple hwo just made a video with me comment and you can be in the next one bc my fiels sadly corrupted im so sorry for the issue
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Hello its me blueice my dream is to become a contentcreator i will try my best as a contentcreator but i also got school so i cant be posting daily