in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Did the music for a new podcast! Agriscience Explained
couldn't resist some 11/8 meter...……
#music #podcast #producer #creator #contentcreator #agriscience #science #rhythm #musiccredit #soundtrack #composer #musician #science #agriculture #farmer #musictheory
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Just wrote a toy asynchronous programming runtime in Racket, using continuations, inspired by OCaml 5's effect system! More detail on my website:
#programming #developer #asynchronous #plt #ocaml #racket
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Polytempo notation in LilyPond ⬇️
New page on my website under Misc about how to get polytempo notation working in LilyPond. As far as I can tell, none of Dorico, MuseScore, Finale, or Sibelius fully support this! #rhythm #lilypond #musicnotation #composer #musicnerd #arrangement #polyrhythm #percussion #musician #experimentalmusic
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Quad audio in Bitwig 5 ⬇️
New article on my website (under “Misc”) about how I set up quadraphonic (4-channel) surround audio in Bitwig Studio 5, which doesn’t natively support it yet.
#bitwig #quadraphonic #surround #surroundsound #dolby #producer #music #soundengineering #bedroomproducer #daw #musicproduction
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untitled9 now out on most music platforms!
#edm #experimentalmusic #newmusic #electronicmusic #microtonal #musicrelease #musicproduction #sounddesign #musicproducer #bitwig #music #unsignedartist #musician #producer
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untitled2 now out on most music platforms!
#edm #experimentalmusic #newmusic #electronicmusic #microtonal #musicrelease #musicproduction #sounddesign #musicproducer #bitwig #music #unsignedartist #musician #producer
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new EP out with the Hideaway Collective, I recorded some strings for the first 2 tracks
#music #musician #violin #viola #EP #album #newmusic #audio #albumrelease #jacobcollier #strings #orchestra
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Recently had my first paper accepted for publication! Written with Walker Smith and Alex Alani, it's about sonifying quantum superposition states. we still might want to tweak it a bit so it's not on airxiv yet, but hopefully by the end of october
#paper #publication #quantum #quantumphysics #quantumcomputing #research #undergraduate #sonification #music #rhythm #polyrhythm
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This was recently released by NJ Helder, gorgeous use of Pivotuner!
#music #musician #pivotuner #musicproduction #audioplugin #musicproducer #justintonation #microtonal
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Last chance to vote for Pivotuner for the Noncommercial Software category the MIDI Innovation Awards! Link: or on my website (in bio).
#music #vst #audio #audiounits #justintonation #pureintonation #microtonal #xenharmonic #musician #musicsoftware #audiosoftware #musicproducer #developer #pivotuner #midi #midiinnovationawards
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Hi, this is Dmitri Volkov. I hope you like my bio.