I am just 100% being myself on my channel. I don't want to offend or hurt anyone, but I don't want my expression to be high-jacked either. I am not the guy that just talks about one subject to chase Youtube's money. How can my channel be about me if I am stuck in just one facet of my multifaceted personality Isn't it like a form of censorship when you can't be yourself? I don't care about subscribers, likes, or youtube's money. My 3 subscribers are fine with me. Momma I hope you don't get mad and leave anytime soon. So if you visit, I truly hope that I can educate you or make you laugh. My material is getting better. I am not profane (97% of the time) and I don't use racial slurs. I love everybody, no matter what race, creed, or color you are. Plus my kids are mixed race so I do care what they think. We all know that fish and company starts to stink in 2 days. So if you visit me.... I dont expect for you to stay long. I'll see you when I get there.