崇远 | Jack | miserax
My name is Jack and on this channel, you can find random shit posts/variety videos of my friends and I.
[ About me ]
Occupation: Med Student (Year 2)
Credentials: B.S. Biology '21
Current Games:
- League of Legends (Diamond Zed)
- Call of Duty (Fav is BO2/3)
- DnD
Games I used to play:
- Battlefield (Favorite game of all time is BF3)
- Hearthstone (Legend Control Warrior)
- Yu-Gi-Oh (Cyber Dragon Fan)
- Lost Ark (Gunlancer/Artillerist)
- Final Fantasy
- Age of Empires 2
- Minecraft
- Among Us
- Gunpla
- Airsoft
- MMA (JKD 2nd degree black belt)
- Fencing
- Lifting (PR's | Bench 260 | Squat 370 | Deadlift 465)
- Violin
- Karaoke