Twisted Mindz, originally known as Stoney, is a renowned figure in the music industry that spans over two decades. He founded Stoney Productions in 1998, marking the beginning of a remarkable journey in the world of music and creative expression.
Motivated by personal challenges and life experiences, including a transformative period behind bars, he set out to craft a diss track aimed at a rival who had wronged him. This initial foray into rap was fueled by anger, but it would soon evolve into something much deeper.
The pivotal moment in Twisted Mindz's life came with the passing of his grandmother. This profound loss led him back to the microphone, where he discovered that music served as a powerful outlet for expressing not just anger, but also the hurt and grief that had long been bottled up inside. Through the years, he has honed his craft, developing a unique style that resonates with fans across diverse demographics.