Hi , how are you ?
My name is Trausti Laufdal and I am a singer/songwriter from a tiny island in the Atlantic ocean that is called Iceland.
I am a peculiar individual , I have had my troubles with mental health as well as addiction.
Everything I am and what I've been through you will find in my music.
And it is pretty pretty interesting even if i say so myself.
Music is truly a magical thing because not only you enjoy it but what how amazing healing power it has.
It has healing powers for both the musician himself, but also the listener.
Music has helped me through so much pain and heartaches , I have been clinically depressed since I remember and have been diagnosed Bi-polar, along with all the side effects of these diseases.
Music is my life.
I breath music.
I eat music.
This channel is dedicated to my solo music, my band Lokbrá and some cover versions I´ve recorded.
Most of my music is in Icelandic because I´m well.. Icelandic...but there are some lyrics in english