in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Script for History of DB Figuarts Episode 5 done...looking back, anyone else think 2022 was quite the mediocre year for releases?!
Objectively, when it comes to overall appearance, articulation and quality, the best figure that wasn't a Web or Event Exclusive that year was Krillin 😳
26 - 8
Happy New Year!!
Not dead, have some posing videos for characters like Turles and some Marvel figures in the works.
Speaking of which, any suggestions on easy ways to sell some Marvel Legends and 1.0 Figuarts??
30 - 1
Looking back at some of the old vids on the channel...I think the times when I enjoyed YouTubing the most was making the Top 5 Poses videos...
They weren't perfect, but I loved talking with y'all in the comments about different options!
47 - 7
Hi guys!!!
So I've been racking my brain trying to come up with content I would be interested in making and i think I have an idea...
It's basically a 'Before you Buy' type of series wherein it's like a review but focused on telling you the figure's selling points and major drawbacks as opposed to the traditional format.
Does that sound like something you'd watch???
P.S. I have a shipment with SSJ2 Goku, SDCC SSG Goku, SSJ4 Goku & Vegeta and Super Buu otw.
6 - 5
One thing I'll never understand about the collector community is why people are so keen on trolling/arguing... You realize to be passionate about something should also include being able to share your enthusiasm POSITIVELY right? C'mon folks, let's be better than this. Happy Holidays.
27 - 5
Hey y'all! To celebrate hitting 10K I have some merch coming! Just little things for Christmas designed by yours truly.
31 - 6
Back from Vacation, went to Mexico for the first time and loved it!
Thinking of what to upload next.
31 - 4
Need a place to talk about S.H. Figuarts Dragon ball figures and pretty much anything and everything Dragon Ball? Well forget forums, you've come to the right place!
Look out for new videos weekly & New Episodes of Future Figuarts on Thursdays!
Follow me on Twitter @brownspidey91 & Instagram @brownspidey