Hi, I'm Tim van Dammen.
I'm a filmmaker so I figured I may as well live stream the process, all the way from concept to premiere. Maybe someone will learn something... hopefully I'll learn something too.
Various projects will be live streamed at different times so watch the stream title for which I'm working on in any particular video.
The process will show:
- Premise
- Developing the premise
- Outlining
- Pitching
- Screenwriting
- Addressing notes
- Preproduction
- Stroyboarding
- Moodboard etc.
- Scheduling
- Budgeting
- Crewing
- Casting
- Location scouting
- Final prep
- Production
- Directing
- Post production
- Edit
- Test screenings
- Post sound
- Score
- Grade
- Festival submission
- Premiere
There's a whole bunch of stuff to do and I have several projects on the go.
I'll try to answer as many questions as I can and I'll try to take on board comments and criticisms.