in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Canada Hiring fast-food supervisors and Managers 🍟 🍕 🍔
👉🏼 Opportunity in Canada exclusively for you with one of the leading Quick Service Restaurant (QSR)
👩🏽🍳👨🏻🍳 If you possess supervisory experience in the fast-food industry and dream of embarking on a new chapter in Canada
#fastfood #canada #jobsincanada #canadajobs #immigratetocanada #immigration #canadapr #canadavisa #immigrationconsultant @thilankaherathCANWiN
#JobOpportunity #FastFoodSupervisor #FastFoodManager #CanadaJobs #NowHiring #canadapr #canadavisa #canadajobs #canadaimmigration #FastFoodJobs#කැනඩාවට #රටයන්නේකොහොමද #කැනඩාවටඑනවිදි #කැනඩාවේ #community
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May all your dreams 🥇 take flight✈ in 2024. 🍁 Happy New Year....!
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කැනඩාවට යාම සදහා වීසා ලබා ගැනීමට මෙම ආයතනයට මුදල් ගෙවු අය සිටිනවාද…? කරුණාකර ඔබගේ අත්දැකීම comment කරන්න. Did anyone have paid for this firm in order to migrate to Canada? Please share your experience.
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කැනඩාවේ ප්රමුඛ පෙළේ ක්ෂණික ආහාර අලෙවි
ඡාලයක ඇබෑර්තු…!
Fast Food Supervisors/Managers Needed in Canada
Are you an experienced supervisor/manager in the fast food industry?
If you're passionate about the food industry and ready to take your career to the next level, this opportunity is for you!
🔎 Requirements:
- Proven experience in a supervisory/managerial role within the fast food industry.
- Ability to speak & understand English
- Minimum of 2 years of experience.
Feel free to tag and share this post with your friends who might be interested! Let's connect and bring the sizzle to Canada's fast food scene! 🍟🍔🍕
#JobOpportunity #FastFoodSupervisor #FastFoodManager #CanadaJobs #NowHiring #canadapr #canadavisa #canadajobs #canadaimmigration #FastFoodJobs#කැනඩාවට #රටයන්නේකොහොමද #කැනඩාවටඑනවිදි #කැනඩාවේ#කැනඩාශිෂ්යවීසා#ircc
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ප්රමුඛ පෙළේ මෝටර් කාර්මික හා සේවා සපයන ආයතනයකට මෝටර් රථ සේවා අංශය සඳහා වාහන නඩත්තු හා සේවා කාර්මික ශිල්පීන් අවශ්යකර තිබේ.
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ඔබටත් FB එකෙන් Canada Job Offer එකක් ආවාද? හරියටම මේ ගැන දැනගන්න
#LMIA#canadalmia#whatislmia#canadajoboffer#immigrationcanada#sinhalavlog#canadasinhalavlog#canadavisa#canadaworkpermit#canadajobvisa#youtube#sinhala#canadavisa#කැනඩාවට #රටයන්නේකොහොමද #කැනඩාවටඑනවිදි #කැනඩාවේ#කැනඩාශිෂ්යවීසා#ircc
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Canada considers foreign student cap over housing crisis......🇨🇦
අගෝස්තු 28 උදෑසන 10.30ට
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ඕස්ට්රේලියාවට හරි පාරෙන් යන්න උදව්වක්🇦🇺 Australia Registered Migration Agents🦘 Sinhala Vlog🇱🇰
#australiavisaconsultants #australiavisaagents #australiamigration #australiamigrationagents #aucivisa#ඕසට්රේලියායනවිදි #ඕස්ට්රේලියාවට#australiavisasinhala
#ඕස්ටේලියාවීසා #ඕස්ට්රේලියාවටයන්නේකොහොමද #australiavisa2023 #sinhalavlog
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කැනඩාවේ පාසලකට ඔබගේ දුව පුතා ඇතුලත් කර ඔබටත් භාරකරු ලෙස යාමට අවස්ථාව | SCHOOLING VISA IN CANADA | 2023- 2024
Channel එක
#schoolingvisaincanada#guardianvisaincanada#studentvisacanada#studypermitcanada#noielts#immigrationcanada#immigratetocanada##sinhalacanada#කැනඩාවට #රටයන්නේකොහොමද #කැනඩාවටඑනවිදි #කැනඩාවේ#sinhalavlog
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කැනඩා සිහිනය තාම සැබෑ කරගන්න බැරි උනාද…? මෙන්න අවස්ථාව.
Channel එක
#canadastudentvisa#canadastudyvisa#canadastudypermit#canadapr#canadaprpathway#immigratetocanada#visitcanada#sinhalavlog#youtubecommunitypost#workincanada#canadavisa# #කැනඩාවේ #කැනඩාව #කැනඩාවටවීසා #Canadasinhala_Video #කැනඩාවේ #කැනඩාවට #youtube #sinhalavlogs
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කැනඩාවට එන්න හරි පාර දැනගන්න එක්වෙන්න අපි සමග. Welcome to CANWiN YouTube Spot. This channel give direction to the people who are looking to migrate to Canada. We are currently live in Canada. We have acquired a lot of awareness by doing bags of blunders and we would like to share those best carry outs with everyone so that you can save time and effort while planning to reach Canada.
CANWiN is dedicated to give you details about migrating to Canada and many other countries. Additionally roaming around the world.
We welcome your response and request all your enquiries in the comment section and we will try our best to get back to every single of you. Be sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell so that you can learn about how to migrate and Canada lifestyle and how anybody can settle down smoothly.
Stay confident, love yourself, and change the world.....!