ePanchang.com is an astrology portal that was started with the intention of providing free astrological charts, free horoscope matching for marriage and good times chart for individual horoscope and in general.
The specialty of ePanchang is the personalized good days calendar, which one can use to get one's own unique calendar, which indicates most favourable dates based on the placement of planets in the horoscope.
Our regular features in the ePanchang Youtube Channel include
* Daily calendar
* Weekly predictions
* Monthly predictions
* Yearly predictions
In addition, there are two interesting videos released on Wednesday and Friday, every week.
Wednesday is the time for Aanmeegamum Ariviyalum
Interesting devotional practices are scientifically explained in this series
Friday is the time for Gopura Darisanam
One temple is taken up and its specialty and importance is discussed in the Gopura Darisanam series
Do let us know your comments and feedback.