TR: War of the Worlds tells the story of humanity affected by a global catastrophe. It's been almost 10 years after humanity has been decimated by the pandemic of an unknown disease. Governments collapsed, there are no effective evacuation plans or attempts to stop the cataclysm.
Lara is one of the survivors of a pandemic of an unknown disease. Formerly, she was a historian and archaeologist. Today she lives in a bunker called Asylum with a group of other survivors. The life of community members revolves around caring for the common good, supplies, and security. Lara's role most often comes down to participating in the expeditions looking for medicines or food. Croft believes in the existence of a 'mythical' medicine and she hopes to find some proof in the ruins of the Medical Pavilion. Soon their peace is interrupted.
The enemy is in the air. The real antagonist never showed his face. However the Colonists - because we are talking about them - are not from this world.