I am a nineteen year old student in college. I love my family, and my God. I love Harry potter. The end.
City I live in: chicago
Program I use: Sony Vegas, thanks to Sjjtnj for all their help. These are two very talented Vidders check out their videos if you haven't already. You two seriously have my heart.
Do I take request: Yes.
Best friends:
Laura and Aishaa
Videos of the week:
(Video I think is the best I've seen on Youtube so far)
1. Taking over me (Harry/Ginny)by CILLEXD
2. If only- Ron /Hermione / Harry by rupgal
Ships: In harry Potter: 1.Harry/Luna
2. Harry/Ginny
3. Ron/Hermione
4. Ron/Luna
5. Neville/Luna
6. Harry/Hermione
AND MY ALL TIME FAVORITE, (so good it doesn't get a rating) : Severus/Lily
In case you can't tell I am absolutely in love with Luna. She's like a kindred spirit.
yes I made my Background. The Anime Picture of Harry/Luna however was not drawn by me.