Q: What is your ethnicity?
A: 100% Filipino =D
Q: What does your name mean?
A: In Tagalog, saying your name followed by "Ako" is a way of introducing yourself to someone. "I Am Dustin". It signifies that I play music for ME, first and foremost. I'm not trying to please anyone. I just love doing what I do.
Q: What do you do other than sing?
A: College life at SFSU. Snowboarding anytime, anywhere. EDM raves!!! Kings+Sharks+Giants+Niners.
Q: Musical inspirations?
A: Robin Thicke, Allen Stone, Justin Timberlake. I got started with music because of YouTube artists. So a big thank you to Passion, Gabe, Leejay, Legaci, Clara, etc.
Q: Favorite color?
A: Green. And purple. A tie isn't cheating, it's just honest =P