Living in this world is so hard. The poor are neglected, the innocent are abused, injustice seems to rule and problems weigh on your heart. Discouragement seems to set in but there is hope and comfort. Jesus is the one who can give you true comfort and hope. Trust Jesus. What do you have to lose? Haven't you already tried everything else? He is able to help you. Are you ready? In prayer lay everything before God, your problems,your discouragement, your broken heart. Don't hold back take as long as you need but give it all to him. Then he will lift you up and you will fly with him on wings of love. Are you saved? Do you have eternal life? Are you prepared to meet God? Ask Jesus to come into your heart. You will become a new person. Confess your sins, and tell everybody that Jesus has given you a new life. Salvation is a gift from God, what you do with this gift, is a gift back to God. God bless, have a great day and a wonderful forever .