Hey, What's up, guys? It's Lisa , I've been uploading Sims 4 gaming content since July 2, 2020. My videos are geared at providing entertainment through:
💜Let's Plays,
💜Build Challenges,
💜Create A Sim Challenges, and
💜Occasional Reactions and Thoughts surrounding ts4 (The Sims 4), Electronic Arts, and Maxis
all while sharing my knowledge of the Sims with you
Origin: PlayLogicalSims
🤗I also respond to Sims 4 related questions in videos and accept video suggestions.
I love playing the Sims and I enjoy getting feedback on the state of my channel. Whether you're new here or not you're free to leave questions and suggestions in the Discussion Tab.
⏩SIDE NOTE 😂: If you're new here I have the perfect playlist for you:
It can also be found in my channel playlist tab or on my home page
Like I always say at the end of all my videos have a wonderful day or night, stay safe and I'll see you soon 🥰💖!!